Deryk Cumberland – Founder and Senior Partner
Are your legal fees more than you thought?
We can help you reduce your legal bill…
“After our initial call to you I felt clear about the way ahead and you saved me £19,000. Thanks so much.”
Gary Kennedy, Surrey
Call now to find out how much you can save – 01920 872 875
Delay can prejudice your position
We as costs lawyers deal with “all aspects of legal costs” and we are passionate about costs and have for over 25 years helped hundreds of clients ensure that their costs have been reduced. We will ensure that only reasonable and proper costs are paid to solicitors when clients, whether individuals or large organisations, feel that they have been overcharged. If you consider that your solicitors bill is unfair you need to seek help from an expert costs lawyer.
We will often be employed in situations where there is a need to recover costs from a losing party in litigation. The system is difficult for private individuals to deal with and we can prepare a bill and ensure the maximum recovery and assist with the entire recovery process.
“Thank you Deryk and the team. You knocked £12k off our bill. Couldn’t have done it without you.”
Geoff Goldings, London
Recent changes to the law have required the court to exercise powers to manage both the case and the costs of the litigation prospectively and the preparation of costs budgets in litigation is now highly recommended to be undertaken by a qualified costs lawyer. As costs lawyers we have the skill and knowledge of knowing the time that will be required at the various stages of proceedings and be able to deal with wide ranging contingencies that could occur during the course of the case and provide for them in the budget.
We are also instructed to assist in ensuring that clients are properly charged for their solicitor’s work, either informally or where a dispute has arisen under the Solicitors Act 1974. To challenge legal costs is a specialist area of the law where the expert assistance provided by a costs lawyer is recognised, and in some instances deemed a necessity, by the judiciary and solicitors.
We will ensure that where an individual has been poorly represented by their solicitor and receives a bill which does not reflect the work carried out it is the costs lawyers role to go through the clients file and cost every single item to ensure there have been no misrepresentations by the solicitor and that no work that was not authorised has been charged and then proceed to ensure that the clients position is protected and costs reduced.
Costs lawyers are part of a regulated industry and are represented by both the Association of Costs Lawyers (ACL) and the Costs Lawyer Standards Board (CLSB), which regulates the profession. Costs draftsmen are an unregulated section of the profession.
As qualified costs lawyers we have the right to conduct proceedings and advocate at all levels on costs issues in County Court, the High Court, The Court of Appeal and The Supreme Court of Justice.
“Thanks for all your hard work. You saved me nearly £10,000. I did not think it was possible.”
Dave Manning, Manchester